The Power of Flowers

They are everywhere

About 6 years ago I embarked on a journey of flower picture taking while I walked my Beloved Jack Russell Terrier, Jake, each morning. It started harmlessly when a bright flower caught my eye and I snapped a photo of it.  As each morning passed I saw more flowers than I ever thought possible.  I posted them on Facebook and I would run into people and they would say, “I love the flowers you post every day!” I quickly realized that I was on to something special. My pics did not have to have even one like but I knew thousands were seeing them. I quickly coined the hashtag #mymorningwalkwithJake. 

I continue today with my newest Jack Russell, DaisyMae, and my hashtag is now #mymorningwalkwithDaisyMae.

periwinkle flower

What I did not realize at the time was I was practicing the art of being present. Something I worked diligently at inside the Bikram Yoga room. FINALLY, the results were appearing on my morning walks.  People were skeptical that there could be THIS many flowers in one neighborhood. Well, I would say, “Open your eyes and be present in the moment and you will see them EVERYWHERE!”  

This morning meditation is now my gift to the world. Every day SOMEONE mentions the flowers to me either in person or through Facebook.  Even when I go on a vacation, I make it my mission to find a flower or a unique bush wherever I am at. Who would have thought one picture of one flower could stand for so much in my world. I challenge all of you to take a walk outside with your furry child or your kid today and check out what is truly present all around you. I know you will be as surprised as I. #powerofpresence

With love,

Jacqui Agostinelli

Your Curvy Coach

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